Year 1 

We have two Year One classes, Elm Class and Maple Class.

Elm Class


  Mrs Quinnan          Mrs Hawes     

Maple Class


Mrs Mansfield                 Mrs Wright (maternity leave)            Mrs Burson                           Mrs Tebble                                                                                                                 

What we are learning each week:

Click on the links below to see our learning objectives for the week:

Summer 1





What learning looks like in Year 1:

Long Term Plan

Year 1 Autumn Newsletter



Reading is promoted and modelled to all our children throughout their time at school. Children will have a daily reading lesson where they will learn how to apply their phonic knowledge and develop their reading fluency as well as make inference, predictions and retrieve key words or phrases to answer comprehension questions. As children encounter new vocabulary we will explore the definitions of these words within the context of the book. Alongside daily reading lessons, we also have a story after lunch to continue fostering a love of reading. Please see our Reading page for more information and support.


Phonics is taught everyday using a systematic and synthetic phonics structure. Children will continue to learn new sounds and how to decode unfamiliar words through blending and segmenting. Alongside this they will explore spelling patterns and rules.  Please see our Phonics page to find our more.


In English we will be using a range of books linked to the topic to inspire our writing. Each half term, we will focus on one fiction, one non-fiction and one poetry unit. At the end of each unit, the children will produce a piece of writing to go into their best writing file.


We use the Power Maths scheme which follows a mastery approach to Maths. All children have access to a range of manipulatives to promote their concrete understanding of abstract concepts. 

Topic and Science

This year we will be following the Ark curriculum for history, geography and science. Click on the links below to see a overview of what they will be learning this term.

Autumn 1

Science - Materials

Topic - My Local Area

Autumn 2

Science - Autumn and Winter

Topic - Toys in Time



Every day we will be running PATHS sessions in class. This is a PSHE programme which empowers children to develop the fundamental social and emotional learning skills which enable them to make positive choices throughout life.

As part of this, each day there will be a Child of the Day. This is a randomly selected pupil who will receive compliments from their teacher, friends and themselves. At the end of the day, they will bring home their compliments to share with their family. We ask that you talk to your child about this and share your own compliments with them. 


PE is on Tuesday and Friday. Children need to come into school wearing their kit. Hair tied up and no jewellery.  


Each week, your child will receive:

  • Spellings
  • A reading book
  • Numbots

These need to be practised daily.

In addition to this, there will be homework set on Google Classroom for the half term. You can select a different activity each week which can be uploaded for the teacher to see or the children can bring their homework into school to show the class.

Google Classroom code: g5s47t5

If you are unsure of your child’s login details for Numbots please let us know.


If you have any questions, concerns or queries please come and see a member of the Year 1 team. We are available in the playground at the end of the school day or please arrange an appointment at the office if you require a longer meeting.